People of Color TerryTPlatypus 1 year ago 100%

McMindfulness: When Capitalism Goes Buddhist


This video is a look into how the Bhuddist conept of mindfulness was appropriated and commodified by capitalists to solve "mental health problems", only for it to seem more sinister than the name suggests. This Western "mindfulness lite" can actually do more damage by instilling certain attitudes into people, reaffirming biases, and making people docile and subservient.

Some more actionable notes from the video:

  • [ ] McMindfulness -- the appropriation and watering down of Bhuddist Mindfulness
    • [ ] Appropriated "mindfullness" used to neforce subservience and docility to capitalism -- mindfulness as a technique to get happy, obedient workers
    • [ ] Religion and faith traditions can be powerful, but when tied closely to the state, religion can also be used to militarize
    • [ ] Mindfulness is a more complex topic--not "shutting off your brain and not thinking", but rather thinking critically
    • [ ] Engaged Bhuddism -- similar to liberation theology
      • [ ] Learn about other radical theologies -- I know black radicalism pretty well, but need to learn about other peoples and cultures

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