Capitalism in Decay AnarchoBolshevik 3 days ago 100%

Ukrainian Canadian Congress fundraises for Neofascist Battalion as it recruits Canadian mercenaries

In ‘honour’ of [neofascism’s] 12th Azov Special Brigade, indoctrinated Ukrainian Canadians did a ‘charity run’ to collect funds for the rogue and criminal unit largely responsible for brutally enforcing the [neofascist] ideology of the state. The fundraiser was sold shamelessly as a battle for ‘independence’. The Maidan coup, instigated by NATO leadership in 2013-2014, that made Ukraine a full-on NATO anti-Russia proxy, is well known.

The 12th Azov Special Brigade was founded and run initially by Andriy Biletsky, infamous for threatening to kill Volodomyr Zelensky while asserting military rule of the state of Ukraine, and for the following quote in a written commentary:

“The historic mission of our nation in this moment is to lead the white races in the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”

It is illegal under Canadian law for a registered non-profit or charity to support a foreign government’s military. However, this is being shamelessly done out in the open by the UCC. As an added insult, the Canadian government is regularly rewarding the UCC for its repeated legal transgressions and [Fascist] honouring with regular grants in the hundreds of thousands.

Glenn Michalchuk, President of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians says the story:

“raised the concern of many that such an open display of support for an organization with such close links to neo-nazism would be the centre of a local activity especially on Ukraine Independence Day.”

Michalchuk emphasized that such fundraising in connection to Ukrainian history is egregious:

“The history of Ukraine is intimately connected to the struggle against Nazism in World War II.

The land and people of Ukraine suffered tremendous losses from the Nazi invasion. The injuries were made more grievous by the role of collaborators who joined the Nazis with the plan that they would rule a Nazi occupied Ukraine.”

It should be of little surprise that the same UCC has repeatedly honoured the Waffen SS 14th (Galicia) Division.

:::spoiler Click here for events that happened today (September 16). 1878: Karl Albiker, Axis sculptor, was born.
1891: Karl Dönitz, Axis admiral who briefly served as the Greater German Reich’s head of state, existed. Likewise did the Reich spy and ‘honourary Aryan’ Stephanie von Hohenlohe.
1910: Erich Kempka, SS member and chauffer, polluted life with his presence. Karl Kling, Axis mechanic, was born on the same day.
1926: Fascist Italy and the Kingdom of Romania signed a ‘Pact of Friendship and Cordial Collaboration’.
1940: Fascist troops conquered Sidi Barrani.
1943: The German Tenth Army reported that it could no longer contain the Allied bridgehead around Salerno.
1945: The Axis occupation of Hong Kong was over.
2012: Friedrich Zimmermann, Axis lieutenant, expired. :::

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