news Socialism_Is_The_Alternative 2 months ago 97%

The People of Caracas Rally in Support of Reelected President Nicolás Maduro

Washington is attempting another coup attempt against Venezuela, following a typical sequence of events seen in many other "color revolutions" (AKA color coups).

  1. The US puppet loses the election.

  2. Washington deploys CIA/NED-funded rioters into the streets demanding that the US puppet be installed into power against the will of the people.

  3. The outcome: Washington's aggressive coup attempt either succeeds or fails, depending on how well organized the country is at defending itself from these coup attempts.

In this case, Washington will lose and Venezuela will win -- the people are well organized and are out in the streets defending their country from this US-orchestrated, fascist coup attempt. Many of the violent, far-right rioters have already been arrested.

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