
I hate Kamala Harris!

I know we've been campaigning for months for Joe Biden to step down, but I didn't think he'd pick his Vice President as the next candidate! It's not fair, I wanted Bernie!

Detransition Kamala is just as bad as Genocide Joe. I hate getting exactly what I asked for, this is the worst.

Also can we talk about how we didn't even get to have a primary to vote on Kamala? This isn't democratic, she's just a would be dictator hand picked by the Dems. She's as bad as Trump!

I certainly won't be voting for her in the election! I'm going to keep complaining until the DNC uses witchcraft to bring back the ghost of Joseph Stalin as their candidate!

/uj Welcome to Non-Voters, a satire community. Remember to mark any serious leftist opinions with /uj.

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