
Climate crisis linked to rising domestic violence in south Asia, study finds

For anyone who would enjoy a heaping side of societal breakdown to go along with their environmental destruction, here is a whiff of what is to come for all of us.

From the article:

A study published in JAMA Psychiatry on Wednesday found a 1C increase in average annual temperature was connected to a rise of more than 6.3% in incidents of physical and sexual domestic violence across three south Asian countries.

Extreme heat can lead to crop failures, buckle infrastructure, eat into economies, trap people indoors and render them unable to work – all factors that can place families under extreme stress and push up violence rates. The researchers found that although there was a heat-related increase in violence across all income groups, the largest increases were among lower-income and rural households.

Previous research from Madrid found that when a heatwave hit, the risk of intimate partner femicide rose 40%, and in Kenya, women who experienced severe weather events – including heatwaves – had 60% higher odds of reporting intimate partner violence. Studies collating global data have found the risks of interpersonal violence increased by 2.3% and intergroup conflicts by 13.2% as temperatures rose.

Hold on to your butts and thank your lucky stars if you aren't part of any of the following groups:
-poor people
-residents of underdeveloped countries

Because for the rest of us, things will be getting even worse, even faster.

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