
More than 8,400 people treated for heatstroke during Hajj pilgrimage

Thousands of the people gathering at Mecca for Hajj this year were treated for heat stress during the event.
Temperatures were in the 40s for a week from what I can gather, and this year's Hajj was billed as "the largest in history" with over 2 million people gathering.

From the article:

To tackle the issue, the kingdom has put in place some measures to minimize the chances of heat stroke and other ailments. Worshippers at the Grand Mosque are being sprayed with water via automatic cooling systems, and free bottles and umbrellas are being distributed.

Temperatures in the Middle East are warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, meaning that it is becoming increasingly hotter than when the Prophet Muhammad first inaugurated the Hajj in the 7th century.

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