10_0s Basement 10_0 3 years ago 100%

The PineTime an Honest Review

The PineTime an Honest Review

(Picture of sealed version) I've been using the PineTime for 2 months now, and I have a lot to say on it. So let's start with the good and end with the "meh". The first striking thing that stood out to me was that the packaging is simple, a cardboard box containing a manual, conductive charger, and the PineTime. I plugged it into the wall to charge it while setting up Gadget Bridge on my phone, all of the reviews said to update the firmware so I updated the firmware, and got it to update on the first try. It just works, no stuttering, no slowdown. The pedometer (step counter) is very accurate and it has tons of useful features; three watchfaces, and media controls. (And its all plastic if you get irritated skin.) But there is notable downsides, mainly focused on the Gadget Bridge integration, and privacy concerns. If for whatever reason you lose connection on the phone and/or watch, it simply won't reconnect; this means that you have to restart the PineTime if you lose connection and reconnect it... every... time. Need to switch your phone off, reconnect, need to turn Bluetooth off to save battery, reconnect, ect. Lastly, Bluetooth. Bluetooth beacons are a thing, used by governments, to blackhats, always needing Bluetooth on leaves you open to real-time tracking, a big concern of mine. Overall its hard not to recommend if you have the patients for technology. (And losing your stats when you lose connection. : (

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