
Zionists ‘don’t actually care about Jewish safety’ — interview with Katie Halper

[O]ne of the ironies is that, you know, framing anti‐Zionism as antisemitic is in itself antisemitism, for a couple of reasons, but one is, it’s based on the premise that all Jews are a monolith, which isn’t true, but also that all Jews are a monolith who support [Zionism]. And, you know, that leans into the dual loyalty trope, this idea that Jews are not loyal to the countries in which they live, but to [Zionism’s neocolony]. And, in fact, antisemites often conflate being a Jewish with being a Zionist.

Like, you’ll hear raging antisemites talk about the Zionist this, the Jew that, and they’re using those terms interchangeably. And it’s pretty scary when you have, you know, people like David Duke using the same language as AIPAC, [Zionism’s régime], the ADL, but the ADL, [Zionism’s régime] and AIPAC are fine with that, because they don’t actually care about Jewish safety. They care about the political project that is Zionism. So they’re fine actually perpetuating antisemitism.

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