Detroit raoulraoul 4 months ago 100%

Max Ortiz, award-winning photojournalist, dies at 58

If you live or have lived in metroDetroit™ or follow the goings-on of southeast Michigan, you've surely seen some of Max Ortiz's photographic work, from the purely didactic or ceremonial to seemingly "fly-on-the-wall", images captured by Ortiz's sharp eye that would have been missed in those blink-of-an-eye moments.

Ortiz showing flagrant disregard for company equipment

~Max~ ~Ortiz~ ~hangs~ ~expensive~ ~Detroit~ ~News~ ~video~ ~camera~ ~inches~ ~from~ ~the~ ~ground~ ~while~ ~filming~ ~the~ ~Dream~ ~Cruise~ ~along~ ~Woodward~ ~Ave,~ ~Aug~ ~17,~ ~2006.~
~Photo:~ ~David~ ~Guralnick,~ ~Detroit~ ~News~

Max Ortiz passed away at the all-too-young age of 58 on May 31, 2024 and the News [and we here at !detroit] pays tribute to staff photographer and more, a California native with transplanted roots long grown in Royal Oak, MI.

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