Linux Brattea 3 years ago 17%

Why the Linux Desktop will never take off

(Title Edit)

So yeah, I am going to start this off saying I use Linux. I love Linux, but the community and others will not let it improve. It's time to change.

Here's all the reasons I think Linux will never take off, don't forget that you can also add input and that I am a human being, so please don't be angry if you can help it. Just tell me your perspective. I know I will get lots of flack for this, but here we go:

  • Idealism, if Linux was going to take over innately it already would have

  • History (let's be honest it's like a discord server if it doesn't take off all at once it never will)

  • It's inaccessible (terminals cannot replace everything. I'm talking to you if you say "bloat")

  • There's only corporate funding, so they will appropriate it

  • We tolerate people who don't tolerate others (including the less tech-savvy)

  • Microsoft has way too much power (money)

  • Few people remember RMS started copyleft as a political goal (too many people are uncomfortable challenging their beliefs, so they want Linux to be "apolitical")

  • No one is doing the political organizing

  • Copyleft is flawed and needs to be improved (here's a template example [also mind you that there's a need to prevent corporate appropriation]

  • People worship RMS instead of realizing he alienates women, people with down syndrome, etc.

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