
Question about availability of rpy2 in ArcGIS Pro v. 3.1.0


I am following a tutorial to [re]learn Python for GIS, specifically following the Python for ArcGIS Pro textbook. This textbook is written with ArcGIS Pro version 2.9 in mind, and Chapter 3 mentions adding the package "rpy2" in the "arcgispro-py3-clone" environment. However, rpy2 never appears in the search query, however there are other options to choose from. I wanted to ensure that I could still follow this chapter as well as use R capabilities in the future if it were to come up. Has rpy2 migrated to something else?

I added a few packages that I think could be what I need, but I am not 100% sure I have the correct packages installed. Any documentation I searched did not specify rpy2 not being in the version of ArcGIS Pro I am using nor did I find anything stating it had migrated/changed to something else.

Thanks in advance for any help offered!

Edit: editing this post to include pictures of the issues I am getting:

Edit 2: I just realized the images shows the search being performed on the installed packages, however the query on the "Add Packages" tab results in the same failed query for the rpy2 package.

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