
Identity Commercial Hubs via Parcel Data

I'm a cartographer and landed my first job out of undergraduate college. I'm a bit in over my head in terms of basic GIS, which I honestly mostly forgot and am desperately trying to pick back up now. I've been thrown a lot of projects and am kinda expected to be a GIS guru, when I've spent most of my time learning map design and using Adobe illustrator and such. I'm making a parcel map and need to identify commercial business hubs within a county in ArcPro. My thought was to convert the parcels to centroids and run a density analysis of commerical properties in relation to the amount of total properties within a specified radius. I did a feature to point conversion and don't know what tool to use next. Would density based clustering get me what I want? I'm not really sure where to take this to provide a meaningful analysis. Should I factor population density into it? I have a buildings polygon layer and maybe that could that be useful? This is pretty basic stuff, I figure, but I've been bogged down by moving across the country for this first job and am just looking for some thoughts/direction!

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