Pirati Europei informapirata 1 year ago 100%

EFF: il nostro diritto di contestare i brevetti spazzatura è minacciato


L'ufficio brevetti degli Stati Uniti ha proposto nuove regole su chi può contestare i brevetti concessi indebitamente. Se le regole diventeranno ufficiali, offriranno nuove protezioni ai troll brevettuali. I brevetti impegnativi diventeranno molto più onerosi e impossibili per alcuni. Le nuove regole potrebbero impedire a organizzazioni come EFF, che ha utilizzato questo processo per combattere il "brevetto di podcasting" di Personal Audio , di presentare contestazioni ai brevetti.

Leggi il post di Joe Mullin su Eff

cross-posted from: https://poliverso.org/objects/0477a01e-1364-7cdb-9d23-2b6670973630

EFF: Our Right To Challenge Junk Patents Is Under Threat


By Joe Mullin

The U.S. Patent Office has proposed new rules about who can challenge wrongly granted patents. If the rules become official, they will offer new protections to patent trolls. Challenging patents will become far more onerous, and impossible for some. The new rules could stop organizations like EFF, which used this process to fight the Personal Audio “podcasting patent”, from filing patent challenges altogether.

We need EFF supporters to speak out against this proposal, which is a gift for patent trolls. We’re asking supporters who care about a fair patent system to file comments using the federal government’s public comment system. Your comments don’t need to be long, or use fancy legalese. The important thing is that everyday users and creators of technology get a chance to state their opposition to these rules. Below the button you can see a simple proposed comment you can cut-and-paste; you can also add to it, or write your own.

If you have a personal experience with patent troll attacks, please mention it. Comments are not anonymous and you should use your real name.


Read the post by Joe Mullin on @eff

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