
Absolutely fuck college physics

I have been in and out of college several times and I've failed physics twice already. My entire life has been on hold for the past 10 years because I have most of a degree except for physics. So here I fucking am, taking physics as an older and more mature adult. Surely I'll be able to make it work just this once. But no. The lab professor is the biggest hardass I've ever seen and I'm not even completing the non-lab homework at a sustainable rate because they're being hardcore about that too. At a community college this time of all places.

If I had a time machine I would go back in time and tell myself to never go to college ever under any circumstances. Even going to las vegas and gambling all my money away would have been a better choice. Even throwing fistfuls of $100 bills out of an airplane would have been a smarter financial decision. Even working at Walmart where those 15 cent raises eventually add up over the course of 10 years would have been a more lucrative career path.

Tl;dr fuck society

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