

XCOM trslim 2 months ago 100%
Long War Engineer vs Rocketeer

I like to have one of each on my team, but if I absolutely have to pick between the two, Id go engineer, at least until the Recoiless rifle upgrade. I like engineers because I know exactly where the grenade will go, and, if sapper is picked, what terrain will most likely be damaged. Rocketeers are fun however for those "fuck it" moments, when you need to deal a lot of damage to a large number of nearby enemies. The wide explosion radius also helps a lot with the native tile spread they have. Which to you prefer?

XCOM trslim 3 months ago 100%
Long War Council missions are the bane of my existence

Look, its ok in normal xcom when 5 thin men drop in on overwatch flanking everyone, but LONG WAR THIN MEN CAN GO STUFF IT! I know, i know, thats the reason i have scouts. But still, council missions are the only missions ive actively restarted. Why do they feel so incredibly difficult compared to the normal missions which are tough, and ive lost soldiers on, but never soul crushing like these?

XCOM trslim 3 months ago 100%
How cooked am I?

Alright, Im playing Long War. Im no expert at long war, but i do have a pretty good idea when im falling behind. Its early June of first year, and I just got laser weapons. How far behind am I? Also I recently lost 3 soldiers, an assault Specialist and 2 Corporals on a landed medium UFO, but eeked out a victory with my other soldiers. Big loss, but not irrecoverable, right?

XCOM The_Picard_Maneuver 8 months ago 100%
Patient Recommendation: The Bureau - XCOM Declassified (xpost)

cross-posted from: > Patient Recommendation: The Bureau - XCOM Declassified > > I want to tell you about an often overlooked game that I really enjoyed my time with. > > The setting is AMAZING, you are in 1960s America trying to contain an alien invasion with your team. > > It got a lot of flak because it used the XCOM name while being a completely different type of game and it definitely had some flaws (the gameplay reminds one most of Mass Effect 1) - but if you see it on sale somewhere give it a chance, I think you won’t regret it. > If anyone else has played it, do share your thoughts :)

XCOM The_Picard_Maneuver 8 months ago 94%
It's important to relax, Commander.

cross-posted from: > It's important to relax, Commander.

XCOM MHLoppy 11 months ago 88%
WotC - Gatekeeper vs Repeater RNG

It was an *Advanced* Repeater, so the odds were 10%, but it's still dumb lol.

XCOM chickengod 12 months ago 87%
Errors compiling UPKUtils in Linux

I reinstalled XCOM:EW recently and wanted to restart a campaign with some mods. Unsure what else I can try while waiting for a response from Github.

XCOM The_Picard_Maneuver 1 year ago 100%
Advent trooper can only describe this event as a "miracle" [OC]

(as always, feel free to steal/repost any meme I post!) I had some fun playing around with the cut/erase tool on some XCOM pics for this one. Still sloppy, but getting better.

XCOM The_Picard_Maneuver 1 year ago 94%
Beauty Rest
XCOM The_Picard_Maneuver 1 year ago 100%
It's fair play
XCOM nocturne213 1 year ago 93%
If I have two skyrangers and 2 full squads how come i can only deal with one terror site?

How come you cannot send out two squads at the same time? I realize i cannot fight them both at the same time, but i could do one mission and then the next and the game test it as if they both happened at the same time.

XCOM chickengod 1 year ago 94%
XCOM 2 AML works on Proton 8.

In the past, Ive always used Proton GE on Linux. It seems the community launcher doesn't work beyond Proton 8. Unsure what causes it but, if you're having issues, try Proton 8.03.

XCOM wethan2 1 year ago 87%
[LW] Remember to keep a set of spare equipment!

About at mid game and I am currently sending out a gunner with a ballistic tier machine gun and my Scout and Rocketeer with tac vests. I thought it would be a waste of money to repair my laser saw as I had just finished building my gauss saw, and decided to not to repair my spare sets of armor to save money. Attempted a ufo landing, turned out to be a trap ufo, bailed before anyone got killed but I took a few hits and had a some armor and my machine gun break, immediately got hit with an abduction mission right after so I didn't have time to repair any of my stuff.

XCOM ryven 1 year ago 100%
Modding XCOM2:WOTC: Anyone know of a mod like Extended Information that is compatible with EU Aim Rolls and Complicated Red Fog?

For context, Extended Information is a mod that shows hit chance popups for every shot, like the older Perfect Information, which (when it works) helps you develop a better sense of how much risk you're really incurring from enemy shots. I've got a long and complicated mod list which is mostly (but not entirely) cribbed from ChristopherOdd's last Youtube playthrough, and I've noticed that the percentages EI displays, especially for enemy shots, are wrong. The most obvious evidence is that they frequently miss shots that EI displayed as 100%, but it will also show absurd numbers like 89% chance to hit by a basic trooper against a target in full cover while the shooter is wounded, and they'll usually also miss. I think the problem is with shots that are modified by certain other mods, and I currently suspect EU Aim Rolls (which separates hit, crit, and dodge into separate rolls, as well as offering some specific tweaks) and Complicated Red Fog (which applies penalties to aim and other stats based on missing health). There is a link in the Steam workshop page to a Discord server where supposedly the mod developer posted an experimental, updated version that solved some of this (at least with regard to EU Aim Rolls), but that link is now defunct (either the server no longer exists or it's private). Does anyone happen to have that version and be willing to share it, or know of another, more compatible mod? Edit: For now I have disabled EI and I'm using EU Aim Rolls' built-in stat reporting. It isn't as nice, because it's just plain text on the right side of the screen instead of a color-coded popup over the shooter, and it doesn't have some of the extra info on the HUD that EI provides, but it does appear to be *right*, which is a good start!