
Aotearoa New Zealand

Aotearoa New Zealand felixfurtak 1 year ago 100%
NZ communities together

I'm coming from /r/nz on Reddit, and with the recent changes to the API I feel /r/nz needs a new home. Wondering if there are any other NZ-centric communities other than Reddit, Masterdon and Lemmy?

Aotearoa New Zealand skittermouse 3 years ago 100%
New Zealand, Australia travel no-quarantine bubble to start on 19 April

> a system with three levels - continue, pause, suspend - would manage the trans-Tasman bubble. > >"Pause" would be a temporary halt to travel and "suspend" would be longer term if there was a more serious outbreak. finally the pavlova wars can resume!

Aotearoa New Zealand skittermouse 3 years ago 100%
'Best kind of surprise': Tuatara hatching caught on camera

they're so cute! welcome to the world, ancient babies 💚 more about tuatara [here]( & [here](, and some info about recent sequencing of the tuatara genome [here]( if that's your cup of tea!

Aotearoa New Zealand skittermouse 3 years ago 100%
NZ transport system contributing to distress - study

> Roughly four out of every five commutes are done in a car, but research shows car trips of 15 minutes or longer can lead to poorer life satisfaction, poorer family life satisfaction, declining community participation and lower productivity at work. > > And the trend is going the wrong way: in New Zealand, car ownership, car usage, and time spent in cars have all risen in the past two decades. > > Meanwhile, active modes of transport which were typically associated with better mental health outcomes have actually declined since the 1970s. [the actual report]( is worth a look, i'm glad they have brought up things like transport poverty, accessibility for disabled people, how some types of transport infrastructure can lead to social severance, and acknowledged how the stresses associated with various different forms of transport can be cumulative in their effects. i also found this interesting, from the report: > As well as the discussion about how increasing traffic noise is making streetscapes more confusing and stressful for people with disability, there was also an interesting discussion with the homeless expert about the restorative effects of a reduction in noise pollution during the COVID lockdown. She noted that while there were significant concerns about an increase in mental health challenges for homeless people during lockdown, in fact the reverse had been the case, and this had in part been identified as due to a decrease in traffic (and construction) noise in the CBD, which had made the environment much calmer. The mental health social worker who participated in this project also echoed these comments, saying that while some of her clients had experienced an increase in anxiety about the virus, others had found lockdown to be a restorative time where they felt more comfortable going outside, in part due to less noise and less traffic stress. which reflects my experience too, i *loved* the reduced traffic noise during lockdown and felt happier on my walks because i could hear trees rustling & birds, and wasn't having to dodge cars when crossing roads. it felt a lot safer & more relaxing without so many vehicles around.

Aotearoa New Zealand skittermouse 3 years ago 100%
Opinion: Non-homeowners paying the cost of Covid-19 recovery

> A substantial class of investors have certainly been made exceptionally wealthy by the Covid-19 response, even as those who work for a living have seen their incomes stagnate. > > But while this separation of 'investors' or 'speculators' from 'homeowners' might be politically convenient, it makes something of a false distinction. > > Whether a house is owned as a home, or purely a source of income, any non-improvement appreciation in value comes at someone else's expense. > > Until New Zealand acknowledges this, little will change: whoever is in charge, and no matter how many new homes get built. yeppp renters always on the pointy end of the stick :(

Aotearoa New Zealand skittermouse 3 years ago 80%
decolonise street names in Kirikiriroa/Hamilton!

if you want to do more than signing online petition and/or you're not comfortable with even using a burner on change[dot]org (which, fair enough), some other things to do might be: - spread the word - email the city council directly: - email the mayor & councillors directly: list [here]( - i'm sure you can think of some more inventive things, especially if you are local 😇

Aotearoa New Zealand skittermouse 3 years ago 100%
More than a third of people living pay day to pay day - study

> "The fact that more than a third of people have less than a single week's expenses available to them and almost half have less than $1,000 in rainy day savings rings alarm bells for me. This puts them in a potentially vulnerable position," ASB chief executive Vittoria Shortt said. think you can lose the word 'potentially' there lol