
AcademicChatter group

AcademicChatter group JorisMeys 6 months ago 0%
I said it before and I'll say it again: scientific journals have hardly any relevance any more, except for academic careers.

I said it before and I'll say it again: scientific journals have hardly any relevance any more, except for academic careers. AI is just speeding up this evolution. We urgently need to rethink scientific communication! [@academicchatter]( [#academia]( [#ugent]( [#Science]( [#academicchatter]( [](

Turns out, it's only policy makers who get stressed when students talk about race. None of the 67 students in this highschool study reported increased stress when participating in an anti-racist

Turns out, it's only policy makers who get stressed when students talk about race. None of the 67 students in this highschool study reported increased stress when participating in an anti-racist intervention while many reported growth in awareness of social inequality. This is the first real data I've seen on this topic and it appears, once again, that the fears of harming students is just a boogeyman in the minds of right-wing politicians. []( [@academicchatter]( [@edutooters](

"Colonial statues in post-colonial Africa: a multidimentional heritage" by Sophia Labadi (2023).

"Colonial statues in post-colonial Africa: a multidimentional heritage" by Sophia Labadi (2023). "Is history being destroyed when colonial statues are removed from public space? This paper has explained that history is often being made when they are removed. Indeed, the hidden motivations for the construction and/or upkeep of these statues can then be revealed, along with their entangled colonial or racist legacies. Besides, their removals can aid in rectifying history, exposing in some cases the Eurocentrism of public spaces, and European epistemic domination. Such removal makes space for the erection of memorials for local heroes, who might have played more significant roles than colonial or racist figures". [\#Colonialism]( [#Heritage]( [#CulturalHeritage]( [#History]( [#Africa]( [#SophiaLabadi]( [#HeritageStudies]( [#OpenAccess]( [@academicchatter]( [@histodons]( [@histodon]( [@anthropology]( [@culturalheritage]( [@archaedons]( [](

AcademicChatter group Barros_heritage 10 months ago 0%
"Museums, Heritage, Culture: Into the Conflict Zone" by Kavita Singh (2015).

"Museums, Heritage, Culture: Into the Conflict Zone" by Kavita Singh (2015). "But think for a moment of the history of museums. Think of the way their collections have been built, and the purposes they have served. Think of the violent encounters that often lay behind the collecting of curiosities in the age of exploration; or think of the museums built by missionaries to display pagan gods wrenched away from natives. Think of the vast collections built (and the ways these were built) during the age of colonialism, with entire monuments transported across the seas and re-erected in museum galleries. Think of the nations transformed by revolutions, where treasures were violently wrested away from the church and presented as desacralized avatars in museums". [\#KavitaSingh]( [#Museum]( [#Heritage]( [#CulturalHeritage]( [#Culture]( [#Colonialism]( [#Conflict]( [#Book]( [@academicchatter]( [@archaedons]( [@bookstodon]( [@anthropology]( [@histodons]( [@culturalheritage]( [\_Heritage\_Culture\_Into\_the\_Conflict\_Zone](

AcademicChatter group erinnacland 1 year ago 100%
Is academia hostile to families?

Is academia hostile to families? "As is the case for many parents in academia, parental leave has played a major part in the trajectories of our lives and scientific careers". In contrast to Canada, "the United States has no federally mandated paid parental leave." Early career academics are often poorly paid and are required to relocate frequently, causing obvious major challenges for young families. [@academicchatter]( [#AcademicChatter]( [#Science]( []( [](