firefox Firefox I had a low expectations from Mozilla, but holy shit.
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure Mozilla becoming a cheap Google clone is not good long term

  • localllama LocalLLaMA Testing the Limits: My GTX 1070 Rig vs Mistral Small 22B
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    I run Mixtral on my CPU

  • technology Technology Transparent solar cell technology could allow smartphones and cars to self-charge
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    That's pretty wild

  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 50%

    Pointing the blame away is not the right answer. Also it does not happen in Lineage OS, Calyx OS and many other similar projects.

  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    It is great that works for you. However, you are not everyone

  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    They could just apply the patches they do have like the main android ones. I think that is BS personally

  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    Graphene stops shipping any updates after the Google deadline

  • privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    You can just run Lineage OS with MicroG or Calyx OS. If you have all Foss apps you probably don't even need MicroG

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense It's even funnier the second time
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%
  • memes Memes Instruments
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    It comes from the Latin root Euphonious meaning "sweet voiced"

  • memes memes The frames on the switch go round and round, round and round and round and round
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 4 hours ago 100%

    John Allen, who served as president of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company, inspired Urbonas with his description of the "ultimate" roller coaster as one that "sends out 24 people and they all come back dead"

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 7 hours ago 100%

    Don't follow the "official" instructions as that's not the best practice. Install the VScode flatpak or better yet use VScodium

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 11 hours ago 100%

    It requires a basic understanding just like Ubuntu

  • memes memes The frames on the switch go round and round, round and round and round and round
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 12 hours ago 100%

    Yeah pretty much>>

  • memes memes The frames on the switch go round and round, round and round and round and round
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 12 hours ago 100%

    That would be a great way to piss off the school

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Israel planted explosives in Hezbollah's Taiwan-made pagers, sources say
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 100%

    That's a horrifying thought. You are a gonner at that point

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Israel planted explosives in Hezbollah's Taiwan-made pagers, sources say
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 100%

    It may not take it down but it would likely not end well. Also an ounce of certain explosives is a lot more destructive than others.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Israel planted explosives in Hezbollah's Taiwan-made pagers, sources say
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 100%

    Username checks out

  • technology Technology Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 100%

    Except most people can't be bothered to verify anything. They see a video on Ticktok and assume it is true

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Someone needs to train an LLM AI on Trump's speeches. I bet the random gibberish output would be hilarious.
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 100%

    You don't even need to train it. Just use a system prompt.

    Just don't ask it for medical advise

  • technology Technology Russian state media outlet RT banned by Facebook “for foreign interference”
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 33%

    Last time I checked Fox wasn't state owned or Russian

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 100%

    Make sure you use the official website,

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 13 hours ago 50%

    Username checks out

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Debian over Ubuntu as Ubuntu isn't all that user focused these days

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    This is kind of long...

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 71%
    1. Is wrong. Do not do it as it will cause so many issues and be the cause of some hair loss
  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Average Lemmy[.]ml user

  • linux Linux Confused about linux as always
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Don't download software from some random website.

    Instead, use your package manager to install it or use something that ships with it. I would recommend Debian as its very stable and the installer gives you the option to install LXDE if you so choose. (Side note: LXDE isn't well maintained) You likely will want to enable flatpaks for newer application support but that is pretty easy to do. Just go to and choose how to install and then Debian

  • privacy Privacy Ring doorbell alternatives (only camera or plus mic and speakers) + Small Size?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 33%

    Maybe don't subject people to such dystopian surveillance

  • privacy Privacy Ring doorbell alternatives (only camera or plus mic and speakers) + Small Size?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Isn't this the company that not only got busted for uploading continuous footage but got caught publicly exposing that footage to anyone with VLC?

    I if I am remembering correctly you should throw away the device immediately

  • privacy Privacy Ring doorbell alternatives (only camera or plus mic and speakers) + Small Size?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    I think that is the normal choice

  • privacy Privacy Apple AirTag alternatives for theft prevention?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 80%

    Not private

  • linux Linux What can I do with my super old laptop?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    It works fine for me

  • linux Linux What can I do with my super old laptop?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    That probably won't work well

  • linux Linux What can I do with my super old laptop?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    It should as that's a basic feature. It probably is just for mpeg2 at lower resolutions

  • linux Linux What can I do with my super old laptop?
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 80%

    Anything that requires GPU decoding will be choppy as it doesn't support modern codex. However, assuming graphics acceleration working you should be able to browse the internet. Just make sure you have a SSD and some swap.

    I tried setting up luks on one of these devices and it did work but the IO performance was slow due to the lack of CPU acceleration for modern cryptography. (That's the theme of older devices)

  • linux Linux Alpine as a desktop OS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Use Debian

  • linux Linux Alpine as a desktop OS
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Let me guess, Broadcom

    Back in my day Broadcom was the company that causes non stop problems

  • memes memes The frames on the switch go round and round, round and round and round and round
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    You just connect your laptop and run a broadcast ping

    Problem solved

  • linux Linux Microsoft parody
  • possiblylinux127 possiblylinux127 14 hours ago 100%

    Dear Microsoft support,

    We use an Alexa which I have connected to our nieghboring company's guest wifi. When our firewall goes down, I have a raspberry pi that is programmed to play a recording of my voice that says "Alexa Turn Off The Christmas Tree" (i can't figure out how to reprogram the smart plug.) and then 5 minutes later another recording that says "Alexa turn on the christmas tree." This is has worked very well for us so far.

  • linustechtips
    Linus Tech Tips possiblylinux127 2 days ago 14%
    New copy pasta

    I like riley and the tech news but this channel and gaming linked are ran like crap, 1. Enough of focusing on the negative, every other news place and their mothers already do that. jeez. 2. dont upload these at 9 - 10pm (I'm US based but they're in Canada so I expect its similar). Your audience is not looking for night time news, upload it in the morning. 3. Dog crap thumbnails and titles. I cannot tell you how many I wouldn't click on if I didn't already know that they would talk about at least 3 other subjects rather then just say iOS 18. A lot of people don't care about iOS 18 but do care about say AMD not treating it's partners right or vice versa, so for love of god make your titles and thumbnails a summary of sorts that show at least more of what the video is actually going to be about. "iOS 18 fixes everything (Almost) / AMD Mistreating Partners / Intel lost the PS6". 4. this is explaining 1. more the actual video content for the most part is good, like to the point and good, but the quips are often based in "oop another apple L" and then "oop another intel L" and then "oop another AMD L". This leads to A an incorrect perspective, If you need evidence I will provide but you have went out of your way to make some mean hearted joke about someone or something that it will jsut bend the actual fact giving some people straight up misinformation if they don't see another source or look deeper. B it's just depressing and not fun, I'm not saying we should celebrate a big companies success yeah they are all evil to an extent but can we look at the cup and say it's half full occasionally cause yeah sure Android already had all these features for years but it IS cool that apple users now get to enjoy them too, it just is man. and I have z flip 2, I hate apple! but I'm so tired of the hating everything, not everything you report on is bad but it's like you want it to be. This message is to the writers, also for the love of god get better sources I swear sometimes the segment is purely based on a line from PC Gamer saying "the game is bad". Anyways please fix this or I'm out because I'm tired of this crap.

    Privacy possiblylinux127 3 days ago 97%
    Nextcloud Hub 9 creates global collaboration network - Nextcloud

    Nextcloud now supports federation including activity pub!

    Linux Questions possiblylinux127 5 days ago 100%
    Anyone successfully run a desktop inside of a container?

    I am looking to run a desktop in a container. I know I can pass the display in with /dev/dri but I am not sure about keyboard and mouse input

    memes possiblylinux127 5 days ago 99%
    Linux possiblylinux127 5 days ago 96%
    Microsoft parody

    I am a certified Linux user with almost 10 years of experience. Please run the following command in a terminal: ``` sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y ``` Let me know if this fixes your issue \- certified Linux expert (I'm making fun of the 25 year Microsoft veterans on the support page that tell users to run SFC /scannow)

    Privacy possiblylinux127 5 days ago 94%
    What are we doing for TVs these days software wise?

    I have been using kodi but it just so limited and clunky. Android TV is better but that is a major challenge since Android TV is very tied to Google with not much existing outside of Google. What I am looking for is a device that can work with mostly Jellyfin. I don't use any streaming services. It would need to work flawlessly with a remote and I am looking for something that maintains itself mostly.

    Lineage OS possiblylinux127 5 days ago 97%
    DO NOT BUY A ONN 4k TV BOX (Walmart TV box) It appears that the new devices have been silently changed by Google to no longer allow you to have the same functionality you did before. Boot loader unlocking is now impossible unless someone can find an exploit. Here are the images of the inside just in case its useful: ![1000004082]( ![1000004079]( ![1000004081]( I don't know where else to post this. Please help spread the message about Google screwing us over.

    memes possiblylinux127 2 weeks ago 70%
    Bbbbb bbb
    Linux possiblylinux127 2 weeks ago 95%
    Anyone made a DIY immutable distro?

    I know you can build a Debian system with debootstrap. Using debootstrap it should be possible to create a custom image. The main partition could be read only with separate mounts for anything that need to be read write. Using containers it should be possible to create a filesystem image. I think the tricky part it testing the image and then updating the existing partition. Maybe some custom ostree tool could do the trick. If not there is always rsync and btrfs snapshots.

    Windows 11 possiblylinux127 3 weeks ago 75%
    Does anyone know of any OEMs selling Windows 11 IOT devices

    According to this page Windows 11 IOT is only available to OEMs.

    Linux Questions possiblylinux127 3 weeks ago 100%
    How do I do staggered updates and reboots with Ansible?

    I am looking to write a playbook that updates and reboots each system one at a time. It need to verify that the node comes back healthy before starting on the next one. If it fails it should stop altogether. I think I can just wait for a reboot and then check a condition before starting on the next one. Has anyone done this before? I think it is doable but I am curious on the thoughts of others. For content I am looking to not kill my kubernetes cluster.

    Matrix possiblylinux127 4 weeks ago 100%
    Is just me or is Synapse much more stable these days?

    It used to be extremely flimsy and unstable but more recently it actually runs pretty well. I can actually use my self hosted server now. It doesn't crash when I join a larger room.

    Linus Tech Tips possiblylinux127 1 month ago 9%
    [s**t post] Wow what have we come to

    I've been subscribed for 25 years and this one finally got me to unsubsidized. I can't believe they did it. I didn't watch any of there videos as I know that they are all bad. Like don't they know something or other? So and so was right and also I read the comments so I know what I'm talking about.
