adhd ADHD memes Horrified looks when I recount "funny stories" from my childhood to others, completes the trilogy.
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 day ago 75%

    There's no reason to forgive either. That's for religous dogma. If a person does bad things to you, it's a done thing. Fuck that person. Cut toxicity out of your life. If u can. Period. Radical acceptance of the things you can't change anymore is the way. But Forgivness? Nope.

    It really hurts to see people forgiving e.g. their parents for abuse/torture. It stopped being your parent at that moment. "mother" and "father" are titles to be earned, no rights to be giving by procreation.

  • greentext Greentext Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 day ago 100%

    Jeez. The valid answer to this "problem" took a while to find. Even here.

  • netzkultur Netzkultur / Netzpolitik Ermittlungen gegen Pädokriminelle - o2-Kunden zeitweise überwacht
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 5 days ago 100%

    Why? Die wissen zwar nicht wer du bist aber WAS du sendest. Ansonsten: bessere idee?

  • netzkultur Netzkultur / Netzpolitik Ermittlungen gegen Pädokriminelle - o2-Kunden zeitweise überwacht
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 week ago 75%

    Ich denke durch die Überwachung von kompromitierten exitpoints. Der pedodrecksack war sich verm. seiner Sache sicher (oder sein IT-wissen war auf Nutzer-level) und nutze ausser Tor keine weiteren Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.

    Ansonsten machts wirklich nicht viel Sinn

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter People need to remember this.
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 2 weeks ago 100%

    The best you could do. Quit toxic things and/or people.

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 2 weeks ago 100%

    Back in the early days we did it for competition/sports and maybe "fame" . Not for monetary reasons. Most of us never knew financial problems due to employers fighting over us 😁

    Can't speak for the modern crews. But it's still unlikely. Other crews would find out, call out and their reputation would be done for. Not worth it as there are other options to get some bucks out of it

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter People need to remember this.
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 2 weeks ago 100%

    May I ask why? And if i might, why?

  • greentext Greentext Anon doesn't like reddit
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 2 weeks ago 85%

    Totally. I was so pissed when they stopped it. And now it's just a gargantuan prime-advertiser.

  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 50%

    Ok you've read, but didn't understand. Maybe i should've expressed myself more clearly.

    I didn't say dictators rule communism. It was an example of how every other system fails too. They all failed. Except capitalism, that thrieves perfectly. At least for the 1% and a few closely to it. For the rest it's probably the worst of all fails. One that isn't even obvious to the regular worker-drone.

    And also you didn't mention a system that works great and a live example of it. Who cares about a theory? In theory everything can work great. I'm not saying any theory is bad. I say there is no execution possible. History and the current state seem like pretty good markers.

    So yeah cool, USSR was fine. Great Gini-index and all. Good point. But where is it now? Dying in the hands of one tremendously greedy piece of shit. Partially fucked by previous members.

    Theory can't compete with greed and/or religion. Unless you just love to theorize, smoke weed, and pretend it could be cool if only...

    No insult meant. Probably better to have idealists than realists. I just can't.

  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 50%

    Wow, what a reply. Did you even read what i said or you just pavlo-ed to "communism bad"?

    Why do i even answer, you didn't either

  • science_memes Science Memes That's a big burger
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 100%

    That actually makes sense and explains best. Extremely sad, but that's probably it. Besides those that just love to troll. Never thought about reason tbh, i was so baffled at the sheer stupidity of it all to see the "good".

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Culture shock
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 33%

    Whatever that shows, i don't consume Youtube.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Culture shock
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 33%

    It is the EU. And while it's not perfect, it's surely better than nothing. Also you're not refering to organic food. And in there are also very very specific ones that are the best possible exploitation of life.

    If people buy caged hen-eggs, then it will always stay. People don't care. The majority at least.

    We, personally, pet the hens more than the eggs we buy there.

  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 40%

    Imagine how awesome a dictatorship would be if the dictator would want the best for their people instead of the best for their own? Oh right, never happened. Communism could be great, in theory. In real people partake and greed ruins it. Or is there a great working example?

    And let's not even talk about capitalism. If you really have to question this, enjoy your young innocent life with ideologies. Not meant sarcastically.

  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 50%
  • comics Comics “Communism bad”
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 50%

    Every system is bad and will ultimately fail for the vast majority. As long as humans partake in it.

  • science_memes Science Memes That's a big burger
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 93%

    I'm actually still convinced that Flats are just trolling the whole world and pissing their pants from laughing when noone looks.

    These things can't be truly real and serious. They can't. No. Nonono.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Culture shock
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 83%

    Dunno where you live, but those things exist in great quantity. You just have to pay a lot more. And if there are no eggs available, there are no eggs available. Simple as that. We actually shop there more to pet the chickens than to buy their period 😁

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Culture shock
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 50%

    Best way if you can't or are not willing to get "good" eggs.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Culture shock
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 57%

    Maybe in the US. Here you get what you pay for. You CAN get good eggs from "happy" chicken. They just cost a lot more. Like 5-10x. Only thing missing is like the name of the chicken that shat out your egg 😁

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Culture shock
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3 weeks ago 100%

    I'm sorry man. Life can really be an arse sometimes. I hope you'll manage to finally live that dream. Your attitude is in the right place for sure.

  • memes Memes The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oh sorry. It sounded like you were 😊

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich💻iel
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4 weeks ago 100%

    Alter... Das ist auch ein Cyrix Overdrive. Nix für den ordinären Pöbel.

  • memes Memes The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4 weeks ago 100%

    Easy. Every day you spend working, or working on working, or working on government-mandated stuff, you don't spend reflecting on your life. You won't start to question what you're doing, you won't organize, you won't revolt. Especially you muricans with nearly no day-offs.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4 weeks ago 100%

    I dunno where you got that shit, but i never suggested to use a file or whatever. I'm keepassxc-user.

  • wtf WTF Just 4 easy steps
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Take 2 tibias and bear a lil slope 😁

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Nach Todesfall: Disney beantragt Klagabweisung, weil Kläger Disney+-Abo hatte
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    absolut richtig. Es ist zum kotzen geworden. Regelm. preise erhöhen für nix, man braucht 10 streaming-anbieter und kann trotzdem nicht ALLES sehen was man will etc. etc. Usenet ist so alt wie das internet. Ist EIGENTLICH eher forum, hatte/hat aber auch binäre boards. und da du nur saugst, in vielen kleinen stückchen, bist als Deutscher auch sicher. Torrent ohne vpn ist selbstmord, hatte ich bereits hinter mir

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Nach Todesfall: Disney beantragt Klagabweisung, weil Kläger Disney+-Abo hatte
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Ja wir Deutschen und der syncro-mist...

    Kino war ich zuletzt vor >30 Jahren 😁 Wozu auch? Ich muss den Quatsch nicht sofort gucken, kann auf die bluray warten. Und mit beamer haben wir n 3.6m bild. Passt!

    Ne, torrent nicht, weil 🇩🇪 und ausserdem zu lahm und aufwendig. Usenet. Wenn du eh debrid zahlst, wirds auch nicht teuerer. Nur erheblich konfortabler. Eweka hat gerade den 2.50/monat deal für unlimited speed (ich saug meist mit min 50mb/s) Und die größte retention (wie weit zurück liegendes du saugen kannst) Einmal etwas "arbeit", dann nur noch suchen, klicken, warten, gucken 😎

    Bevor ich alles nochmal schreibe:

    Wenn Fragen sind, her damit.

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Nach Todesfall: Disney beantragt Klagabweisung, weil Kläger Disney+-Abo hatte
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Absolut. Hab vor 2 Jahren gequitted. Netflix & co. Und wir Deutschen kriegen auch nich nur 50% oder so, zahlen aber 💯.. Dazu läuft die app nicht auf gerooteten oder anderen Geräten. Fickt euch doch.

    Nutze jetzt emby und *arrs und es könnte nicht schöner sein. Namen eingeben, bissel warten, gucken. Zumindest für originales, deutsches nicht so.

  • vegan Vegan Ending all oppression means ending ALL oppression
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Or reddit....

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Nach Todesfall: Disney beantragt Klagabweisung, weil Kläger Disney+-Abo hatte
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Tja, noch ein guter Grund für den Blödsinn nicht zu zahlen, wenn man es schon unbedingt nutzen will.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    That is actually a good idea. I'm not using one rn as i only manually transfer it. Might be worth considering. Thanks

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    I don't know. You wouldn't really need it, if you're concerned. If you're fine you can just C&P or even let keepassxc use it's auto-type. So no addon needed. It's just more comfortable. And you can never have security AND comfort. Security is absolutely always uncomfortable.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Even IF there was a quantum-safe-cryptography, doesn't change the fact, that your most private stuff is in a cloud and you have absolutely no idea what the future might bring. And if i have anything in the past decades in the IT, then it's that there is always a past-past-something.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    One can't hack into where there is no path into :-) Also, whatever you COULD do in the future, a version of your passes where you didn't do it, already was in the cloud. It's not like you delete a thing there and it's totally gone forever.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 100%

    Yes. The easiest/most reliable is syncthing. Yet there's the online-component which is inherently vulnerable. Depends on how paranoid you are.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 40%

    Encryption won't last forever. The moment Quantum-computing will be a thing, all current encryption will be pointless. Depends on your level of paranoia and planning for the future 😁

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 88%

    With keepasscx YOU have the password-file. Period. You know what's been done with it: Nothing, as it doesn't phone home except update-checks. Which you can also disable.

    With the browser-addon you'll get the same result but with control.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 83%

    Don't. It's not in your hand is the simple reason.

    My advice is keepassxc. Got a ff-addon that does basically the same. But you have your password-file under your control. And do backups!

  • greentext Greentext Anon wants to play a game
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1 month ago 83%

    Do you feel good being so vastly intellectually superior to those dumb fucks serving you? Must be awesome 😊

  • sysadmin
    Sysadmin Dyskolos 9 months ago 86%
    Weird problem driving me crazy (Win, Domain, Network)

    [Update:Solution] It was my router which set STP on by default. Switching it off (in smaller networks) or using RSTP made the delays go away. [/Update] Hóla! For a long time I've got this horribly annoying problem: Upon bootup, ANY domain-machine that is using LAN (no probs with wireless) has an idle-time with "there's no network!" of about 1-2mins until they discovered the network. BUT only windows-machines. Linux boxes get net instantly. Also on LAN. Setup: 2 Domaincontrollers, Server2019. Both are DNS, one is DHCP and NPS for WIFI. All machines have fixed IPs, the DHCP is just for wireless clients. I have tried everything I could think of, like NIC-Drivers, OpenDHCP, temporarily changed the switch from a managed one to a dumb one, changed the NIC in the server, let only one DC be alive at a time, rejoined the domain, the usual sfc/dism-approach and whatnot. I asked once on reddit, but everyone just told me "that's DHCP!", yet it's (seemingly at least) not. All have fixed IPs, but using dhcp doesn't change a thing. So I'm clueless again, hoping for some nerd that's nerdier than me to have an idea :)

    Music Dyskolos 9 months ago 100%
    What song still emotionally "destroys" you today? And why?

    As the title says....which song still haunts you emotionally? And why? A (freely accessible) link might greatly bring your point across. Mine would be: (Typhoon - "Empiricist") The lyrics go deep and it just touches me. No otherwise special attachment.
