
Linux Questions

Linux Questions possiblylinux127 1 year ago 100%
Please don’t delete your posts on this sub

When you delete your posts on this sub, you are deleting a solution to a potential problem that someone may be having. It is inconsiderate and can result in a ban.

Linux Questions ScientifficDoggo 2 days ago 100%
Learning Linux, next steps?

Good day all, I'm currently about 3 months into using Linux exclusively for personal computing and gaming. I stared out trying EndeavourOs /w the Linux Surface kernel on my Surface, having now settled on Manjaro on my surface and CachyOS on my gaming rig. So far the experience has been relatively painless. Now, having settled down comfortably into a rhythm of running sudo pacman -Syu, getting lost in the AUR and wiki, I feel like exploring more into what Linux has to offer. So, on to my question, what do i do now? There's a bit of choice paralysis for me. Where did you all decide to dig in first? What resources did you use? What projects did you take on to deepen your knowledge? What do you feel is essential for crossing the threshold from average user to almost-superuser, then from there and beyond? Thanks in advance for your time. Hope to hear from you all soon.

Linux Questions possiblylinux127 5 days ago 100%
Anyone successfully run a desktop inside of a container?

I am looking to run a desktop in a container. I know I can pass the display in with /dev/dri but I am not sure about keyboard and mouse input

Linux Questions QuazarOmega 1 week ago 100%
Is there an app that can program audio configuration?

cross-posted from: > I sometimes play games and also open my music player, but the sound from the game drowns out the music, so I need to go into the sound mixer on KDE and manually lower the game's volume every time. > I was wondering, is there a way to do this process automatically? As in setting up conditions like "if music is playing (some MPRIS API?) then lower all other apps' volumes)", maybe even crazier "if some app is outputting voice then set its volume back up and lower music app's volume or pause its playback altogether for some specified timeout that keeps being refreshed for as long as voice is heard". > I imagine the latter is a bit of a dream, but maybe for the first, even some quick sound profile selector would go a long way, say switching from "normal profile" to "background music profile", etc. which specify preconfigured volumes for those apps. > Is that a thing?

Linux Questions SurpriZe 1 week ago 85%
What's the easiest way to update bios on my Ubuntu laptop without a USB?

cross-posted from: > As a lifelong Windows user I've just for the first time switched to Ubuntu and I'm learning how to navigate the system but I haven't found an easy way to update my Carbon's X1 Gen 6 BIOS from its hard disk and would appreciate any advice. > > I'd be also happy to hear what I should do as a newcomer to Ubuntu to make my experience with it better and have an easier time overall.

Linux Questions dabster291 2 weeks ago 100%
[SOLVED: BAD LOGIN] Can't connect to WPA2-EAP on Fedora Kinoite

cross-posted from: >cross-posted from: > > > EDIT: Turns out my login information was slightly wrong, and had nothing to do with security. > > > > My school uses EAP for its student WiFi, but there's no option for "EAP" security (PEAP, LEAP and every other option in KDE's WiFi security settings wouldn't connect). I'm pretty sure there was an option for EAP on Linux Lite (my previous OS before kinoite) which connected successfully. Is it possible to use EAP in Kinoite, and how do I enable/use it?

Linux Questions possiblylinux127 3 weeks ago 100%
How do I do staggered updates and reboots with Ansible?

I am looking to write a playbook that updates and reboots each system one at a time. It need to verify that the node comes back healthy before starting on the next one. If it fails it should stop altogether. I think I can just wait for a reboot and then check a condition before starting on the next one. Has anyone done this before? I think it is doable but I am curious on the thoughts of others. For content I am looking to not kill my kubernetes cluster.

Linux Questions NorthWestWind 3 weeks ago 100%
Corsair HS55 Wireless Dolby 7.1 on Linux?

I recently bought a Corsair HS55 Wireless Headset. They stated it supports Dolby 7.1, IF you use the iCue software, which doesn't work on Linux. Using pavucontrol, I can change the profile between `Analog Stereo Output`, `Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output` and `Digital Surround 5.1 (IEC958/AC3) Output`, but the `Analog` one is the only one that works. The other 2 just results in broken audio. There's not even a 7.1 option. I don't have high hope about this, and I expected it to not work when I bought it, but it would be nice if anyone has some ideas.

Linux Questions gigachad 4 weeks ago 92%
How do I prevent Windows Update from breaking my dual boot BEFORE it happens?

Now that we're a week in and most people have probably repaired their PCs from the shitty Windows Update breaking GRUB I have some question. I have a dual boot as well and thought I was safe, as I installed my Linux Mint on an independent disk. My friend laughed and told me that won't protect me. I logged into Windows some days ago as I had to write a document in MS Word for university and the windows update told me it was ready with a very threatening red dot in the tray. I expected it to take control over my PC and to reboot 10 times, do some typical Windows stuff, but nothing happened. Now I have this update waiting and I am scared my Linux will break. I know there are fixes out there, but is there a way to prevent it BEFORE it happens? Can I somehow upgrade the vulnerable GRUB version? Thanks a lot for your help my fellow penguin fans.

Linux Questions TankieTanuki 4 weeks ago 100%
Are Linux network managers like netctl (Arch), ifupdown (Debian), and NetworkManager (many distros) essentially wrappers for the ip command provided by iproute2?

I like understanding how commands layer on top of each other. All three have iproute2 as a dependency, which makes me think the answer is 'yes'.

Linux Questions jonathanvmv8f 1 month ago 83%
How do you realistically build your own OS with Arch Linux?

As a Linux newbie, all I know about Arch Linux is that it is a DIY distro where you assemble the entirely of the OS by scratch. Somehow it feels like it is too easy than it needs to be, even if it is primarily meant for experienced users. I imagine it to be less like building your PC from parts bought from the market and more like building _each and every component_ of the PC by scratch along with building the PC, which I assume to be much harder for the average consumer. It seems absurd how it is possible for a single person to incorporate the innumerable components required for functionality in a personal system that does not crash 100% of the time due to countless incompatibility errors that come with doing something like this. I would like someone to elaborate on how it feels to 'build' a system software by yourself with Arch and how it is reasonable to actually do so in a simple language. I do have some experience in programming, mainly in webdev, so it's not like I need a baby-like explanation in how this works but it would be nice to get to know about this from someone who could understand where this confusion/curiosity is coming from.

Linux Questions smokinliver 2 months ago 94%
Kernel panic after upgrade Mint21.3 -> Mint22

Hey guys I kind of have a little probleme here: So during the upgrading of Mint 21.3 to Mint 22 there appeared some errors, and while trying to fix them a lot of library-packages were deleted and most of the programs gone. Now after that I tried to reset my system back to tze last timeshift-backup but timeshift only ever deleted more packages and never installed the old files from the backup (i guess). So now this is where I am at, a kernel panic and nothing boots. I guess i need a new (fresh) install and could try to use the backup of timeshift on that one? Or is there any other elegant way to get out of this? Thanks already for reading and tips <3

Linux Questions s12 2 months ago 100%
[Solved (Curious about cause and details though)] Can't update apt or install new packages or update my system.

I've been using Linux for at least 2 years. I have Linux Mint on my main computer and Debian on my old computer. Trying to apt update says that the connection failed to,,, etc. Updating directly from sources such as for the Brave Browser still works. Sites not necessary for updating still work. Accessing them through browser doesn't work *(It would give a "Connection was reset" error (for Debian) or an error that mentioned DNS (for main computer))*. Pinging them seemed to work. Accessing these sites on my phone still works *(though it didn't until I accessed them through mobile data and switched back to wifi)*. Connecting my Linux Mint computer through mobile data to apt update and switching it back to wifi resolved the issue for my Linux Mint computer, but I wasn't able to get my Debian system to connect through my phone. Any ideas for causes/resolutions?

Linux Questions DevCuber 2 months ago 100%
Void Linux boot stuck on motherboard logo

After selecting the boot option (no matter if it's the live iso or the installed distro, and no matter the kernel version) I get stuck on that screen, at that point the only thing I can do is reboot by pressing the power button. This only seems to happen on this computer. Here are some system information : - motherboard : ASUS PRIME A320M-K - BIOS version : 5603 (latest available version) - CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 2600 - GPU : Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 The only way I was able to install the system was by using the acpi=off boot option but I understand it can negatively impact the system. Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it ?

Linux Questions Tregetour 2 months ago 100%
KDE Plasma 6 reboots on video playback

Since about Plasma 6 onward I've been getting system restarts when attempting to play back video files and/or seek through them. ::: spoiler <System info> Kernel 6.5.0-41 KDE neon 6 Plasma 6.1.2 Qt 6.7.0 Ryzen 7 3700x CPU AMD R9 390 GPU 16GB DDR4 RAM ::: The system will crash and reboot when: - Attempting to play any video with an mp4 container (mpv and vlc tested) - Attempting to seek with the mouse while playing most videos (mp4 and matroska) - Scrolling too fast in a file manager - Clicking and dragging to resize various windows (terminal, browsers, etc) The system performs fine when: - Playing videos in a webm container - Playing videos in software like avidemux, kdenlive, gwenview, etc. - Streaming video in a web browser The issue has persisted through these toubleshooting measures: - Update to latest BIOS firmware - Switching between Wayland and X11 - Substitution of the PSU to a brand new unit My assumption so far is that it's not hardware related. Currently I suspect it's Plasma. Below is the journal output of records around one such crash time of 5.19-5.20pm: ::: spoiler <journalctl /usr/bin/plasmashell> Jul 13 17:19:21 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kde.plasmashell: Aborting shell load: The activity manager daemon (kactivitymanagerd) is not running. Jul 13 17:19:21 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kde.plasmashell: If this Plasma has been installed into a custom prefix, verify that its D-Bus services dir is known to the system for the daemon to be activatable. Jul 13 17:19:21 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kde.plasmashell: Aborting shell load: The activity manager daemon (kactivitymanagerd) is not running. Jul 13 17:19:21 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kde.plasmashell: If this Plasma has been installed into a custom prefix, verify that its D-Bus services dir is known to the system for the daemon to be activatable. Jul 13 17:19:22 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kf.plasma.quick: Applet preload policy set to 1 Jul 13 17:19:22 pcname plasmashell[1680]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:195:25: QML FolderViewDropArea (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property "minimumWidth" Jul 13 17:19:22 pcname plasmashell[1680]: Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled. Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:162:21: QML KSortFilterProxyModel: Binding loop detected for property "sourceModel" Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:162:21: QML KSortFilterProxyModel: Binding loop detected for property "sourceModel" Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.cups.cupsd.Notifier" to PrinterFinishingsChanged(QString, QString, QString, uint, QString, bool) : Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairRequested(QString) in ./src/solid/devices/frontend/storageaccess.cpp:23 Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairDone(Solid::ErrorType, QVariant, QString) in ./src/solid/devices/frontend/storageaccess.cpp:24 Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kameleon supported false Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: kameleon enabled true Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: qml: SystemTray ItemLoader: Invalid state, cannot determine source! Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0 Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: error getting max screen brightness via dbus: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject", "No such object path '/org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement/Actions/BrightnessControl'") Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: error getting max keyboard brightness via dbus QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject", "No such object path '/org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement/Actions/KeyboardBrightnessControl'") Jul 13 17:19:24 pcname plasmashell[1680]: org.kde.klipper: Invalid or non-local url for preview: QUrl("mtp:/Pixel 5/Internal shared storage/Tempfold/") Jul 13 17:19:25 pcname plasmashell[1680]: org.kde.pulseaudio: No object for name "alsa_output.usb-VIA_Technologies_Inc._Audinst_HUD-mx2-00.analog-stereo.monitor" Jul 13 17:19:27 pcname plasmashell[1680]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator/contents/ui/main.qml:61:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool Jul 13 17:22:17 pcname plasmashell[1653]: kde.plasmashell: Aborting shell load: The activity manager daemon (kactivitymanagerd) is not running. Jul 13 17:22:17 pcname plasmashell[1653]: kde.plasmashell: If this Plasma has been installed into a custom prefix, verify that its D-Bus services dir is known to the system for the daemon to be activatable. ::: Suggestions for next steps would be welcome. Is it worth considering a rollback to the previous/older Plasma versions? Assuming Plasma doesn't like my DAC or keyboard or whatever, is it worth substituting or removing USB devices?

Linux Questions Telorand 3 months ago 85%
[Solved] How can I make a custom .service run as root?

cross-posted from: > I have a VPN daemon that needs to run before the client will work. Normally, this would have been set up automatically by its install script, but the system is immutable. > > I've created the systemd service via `sysyemctl edit --force --full daemon.service` with the following parameters: > > ``` > [Unit] > Description=Blah > > > [Service] > User=root > Group=root > ExecStart=/usr/bin/env /path/to/daemon > > [Install] > > ``` > > I've verified that the daemon is actually executable, and it runs fine when I manually call it via `sudo daemon`. When I try to run it with `sudo systemctl enable --now daemon.service`, it exits with error code 126. > > What am I missing? Edit: Typo, and added the relevant user and group to the Service section. Still throwing a 126. Solution: the system wanted `/usr/bin/env` in ExecStart to launch the binary. The .service file above has been edited to show the working solution.

Linux Questions VinesNFluff 3 months ago 100%
How do I check which packages are taking up space in OpenSUSE

Title. Tried to search, found instructions on how to do it in [debian-adjacent]( distros, but I'm in openSUSE, which doesn't use `dpkg`. I also checked the manpage for `zypper` and found nothing that seemed the part, though I don't exclude the possibility that I just failed to read it properly.

Linux Questions voracread 3 months ago 100%
Why do I lose my Linux entries from UEFI boot?

I dual boot Windows 10 and Linux. Whnever Windows freezes or boot gets interrupted etc. I lose access to Linux because UEFI offers only Windows as boot options. On checking EFI partition still has rEFInd and PCLinuxOS entries needed. I wonder why it cannot see them?

Linux Questions VinesNFluff 4 months ago 100%
[Solved] Really weird bug with KDE Plasma rendering panels and window decorations

Went away from my computer for a bathroom break. When I came back I noticed it took a very long time to wake up. But that was the least of my worries, as Plasma seems to now be really bugged out: Two things: Window decorations (like the ones at the top with the buttons to close and such) do not render properly. That's the simple part The other, weirder one, is harder to explain in text so I made a [video]( -- The short version is that whenever I mouse over any icon in a panel, be it a tray icon or something on the taskbar thingie -- it seems to jump to the top-right corner of that panel. Though only visually (as in, to interact with it, I still have to click the blank space the icon once occupied) I have also noticed that icons within qt6 windows do not show in the proper place ![]( These persisted after reboots. Other info: * Linux/KDE Plasma: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed 20240531 * KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.5 * KDE Frameworks Version: 6.2.0 * Qt Version: 6.7.1 * Kernel: 6.9.3-1-default (64-bit) * Graphics platform: X11 Extra details about system (idk maybe it helps?): 1. I have an AMD Processor and GPU 2. All the things I have installed are either from the official SUSE Repos or from Flatpak. There's also some appimages and local executables in my user folder. There is 1(one) application I compiled from source and installed system-wide, and that was [Orbiton](, a text editor for terminal. 3. When I update the system I get a notification about how updating glibc-32bit would break Steam. So I marked it as untouchable on YaST. Maybe this broke something else? Idk. Things I have already tried: 1. Updating the system 2. Rebooting 3. Changing theming configurations back to system defaults (hey, you never know) 4. Moving widgets around in panels 5. Disabling fancy effects 6. Disabling and re-enabling my second monitor/changing which monitor is the primary 7. Asking nicely Things I have not tried: 1. Switching to Wayland (I would do so permanently but it breaks Inkscape for me and that's part of my workflow -- Plus I'm new to SUSE, and the last time I switched from X to Wayland was on EndeavourOS, dunno if the process is any different) 2. Crying I have also posted this to the [kde bug tracker]( Posting it here to in hopes of getting an answer sooner :P EDIT: I gave it some time to see if it would stick and it did. So. "Going into the Plasma Renderer settings and switching it to OpenGL" was the solution to my issue, even if I have no idea what caused it, I at least seem to have fixed it

Linux Questions PetulantBandicoot 4 months ago 93%
Distro suggestions for grandparents?

Hello there. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a Linux distro for grandparents? They are over 70 years old, with an old HP desktop and laptop running Windows 10. All they need is a Web browser, so no need for special software or wine to run Windows programs. Would preferably like something that is low maintenance so I don't have to be constant tech support for them (apart from the initial install and setup). Thanks for any suggestions.

Linux Questions electro1 4 months ago 100%
[ Solved ] I can't change Disk Encryption password

I tried the following ``` sudo cryptsetup luksChangekey /dev/nvme0n1p3 < new passphrase > ``` It then asks for the Sudo password, then asks for the old passphrase, but then it prints this error message ``` Failed to open key file. ``` what went wrong ? Edit: turns out using GNOME Disks is way more straightforward.. 😅, thank you all

Linux Questions areyouevenreal 4 months ago 100%
Play HDR movie on Linux

I am looking for a way to play HDR content on Linux. From what I understand KDE 6 has experimental support for HDR, but isn't available on Pop OS 22.04. Apparently Cosmic desktop will support HDR when it's released, but I don't know if the experimental version will. Can anybody help me here? Will I need to change distro?

Linux Questions luciferofastora 4 months ago 100%
Pipewire default capture device per stream

My use case is splitting audio into separate channels in OBS for Twitch Streams so I can play music live without getting my VoDs struck. If my approach is entirely wrong for the use case, I'm happy to scrap the whole thing and sign it off as learning experience. My solution is to use virtual sinks that I record through Audio Sources in OBS. I've got two loopback-devices (config at the end) with `media.class = Audio/Sink`, assign my playback streams to the relevant output capture. The loopback of each is then passed on to the common default (physical) output device, namely my headphones. So far, this has been working great for me, aside from minor inconveniences: The first is that I want certain apps or playback streams to automatically be assigned to the capture sinks upon starting the app. I had a working pulseaudio¹ setup on Ubuntu where I used pavucontrol to set the output once per app and it remembered that setting. Every time I opened that app, it would direct its playback streams to that sink. I migrated to Nobara and opted to try configuring pipewire (directly)² instead. The devices are created correctly but every time I (re-)start a relevant app I have to go set its capture device again. The second is that **occasionaly upon logging in, one loopback stream will initially be passed to the other sink instead of the default output**, which resolves upon restarting pipewire³. Is something wrong with my config? Both have the same `target.object` and restarting it fixes it, so I'm guessing it may be some race condition thing where the alsa_output isn't initialised at startup yet, but I don't know how to diagnose or fix that ---- 1: I have since learned that apparently it's actually still pipewire parsing that config, but the point is I configured it through ~/.config/pulse/ 2: ~/config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/default-devices.conf 3: Trying to set it in pavucontrol doesn't work and keeps resetting that playback's output to the given sink if I try to select the correct capture device. Repatching them in Helvum does the job, but then pavucontrol just shows blank for the device (doesn't interfere with controlling the volume, but maybe it's relevant for diagnosing) ---- My current `~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/default-devices.conf`: ``` context.modules = [ { name = libpipewire-module-loopback args = { audio.position = [ FL FR ] capture.props = { media.class = Audio/Sink = vod_sink node.description = "Sink for VoD Audio" } playback.props = { = "vod_sink.output" node.description = "VoD Audio" node.passive = true target.object = "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" } } } { name = libpipewire-module-loopback args = { audio.position = [ FL FR ] capture.props = { media.class = Audio/Sink = live_sink node.description = "Sink for Live-Only Audio" } playback.props = { = "live_sink.output" node.description = "Live-Only Audio" node.passive = true target.object = "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" } } } ] ```

Linux Questions ikidd 4 months ago 100%
Laptop for non-gaming multi-monitor

I'm looking for a lowish priced laptop that I can put at least 2 extra monitors on. I want a second landscape 4k and a portrait 1080. Don't need anything special. One monitor has DP and HDMI, but the other just HDMI. Do I just get a DP hub and use a converter dongle for the second? What would be a recommended laptop for this scenario? I only want AMD CPU and GPU as I can't be arsed to fight with noVideo and Intel doesn't deserve my business.

Linux Questions satnififu 4 months ago 100%
Is my GPU setup idea stupid? (Laptop)

Yesterday I bought a new laptop that should be arriving to my home sometime next week. In the mean time, I've been digging around and researching some details in order to get Linux running on it as comfortably as possible. My main concern with the laptop is the fact that it has an RTX2050 Mobile on it (I couldn't find any dedicated AMD laptops within my budget), and my concerns include the fact that I prefer using Wayland on my systems and possible impacts on battery life as I know hybrid graphics in Linux are quite a nightmare. I'd like to use this system for some casual gaming, however other than that my use cases for the laptop mostly consist of coding and web browsing, so I thought of the following idea: Leaving the dedicated graphics card as a pass-through device for a Windows VM where I could play all my games (though I'm not really sure on how VMs impact anti-cheat for multiplayer games and such), and leaving the Radeon 660M graphics on the Ryzen processor for the Linux system itself, which should be plenty capable of handling any DE and accomplishing my daily tasks, while also preserving battery life as the laptop is not running on the 2050 100% of the time Does this make sense? Does anyone have a similar setup on their laptop and has it worked for them? Are there any possible consequences I should be wary of when attempting this? If the laptop model is relevant in any way to answering this question, it's an HP Victus 15 with a Ryzen 5 7535HS, an RTX2050 Mobile (4GB) and 16GB of RAM.

Linux Questions areyouevenreal 4 months ago 100%
Switching distro without loosing data in /home

Is there a way to move distro without loosing data in /home? I am currently running Pop OS and want to move to Nix OS while keeping the data. Normally I could use an external hard drive or my server, but most of my equipment is in storage at the moment. Current partition setup is using LUKS and LVM with ext4. I am guessing there is a way to manipulate the LVM to make it work by adding another partition and installing into it. I know this is probably a convoluted idea. I am trying to avoid spending money an another external drive.

Linux Questions areyouevenreal 4 months ago 100%
What to do about Office?

I am finding it difficult to fill in forms made with MS Word in LibreOffice. The formatting seems to end up all wrong among other things, and LibreOffice feels slow and clunky to use. I've tried OnlyOffice, but it tends to crash and be slow as well. At this moment in time I am trying to get MS Office 2010. Is there a better solution?

Linux Questions SoleInvictus 4 months ago 100%
Halp! Calibrating touchscreen on Panasonic CF-30

Hey all! I've been having an issue I can't figure out. Suddenly, I realized I'm in the heart of Linux users! I can ask here! I'm a total noob, so please be gentle. I installed Xubuntu and got everything but the touchscreen working properly. The touchscreen works but the cursor is consistently off a bit, with the least error in the center of the screen and increasing as it moves to the sides. I've tried running xinput_calibrator but it doesn't help. I attempted to run libinput.calibrate-touchscreen but keep getting a "is a Wayland compositor running?" error message. Any suggestions?

Linux Questions RickAstleyfounddead 5 months ago 100%
Help Needed: Configuring ASUS Fingerprint Sensor on Fedora

cross-posted from: > Help Needed: Configuring ASUS Fingerprint Sensor on Fedora > > I recently got my hands on an [ASUS device ]( equipped with an [fingerprint sensor]( . As a Fedora user, I've been trying to set up the fingerprint sensor on my system, but it's proven to be quite a challenge. > > So, I'm reaching out to the community here for some guidance. Has anyone successfully configured an ASUS fingerprint sensor on Fedora before? If so, could you please share your experience and any tips or resources that might be helpful? > > Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Linux Questions hellfire103 5 months ago 100%
[PARTAILLY SOLVED] Installation with disk encryption on RPi 5

cross-posted from: I recently acquired a Raspberry Pi 5, but I've been having a lot of difficulty in getting LUKS encryption to work. Has anyone had any luck? Also, I am using an NVMe drive, so Raspbian is really the only OS that works well. NetBSD can see the disk, too, but I found it annoying to use; and FreeBSD ended up breaking itself. I have not yet tried Armbian.

Linux Questions areyouevenreal 6 months ago 87%
Broken home configuration in NixOS

How do I fix my home dir with nix? It seems I have messed something up and now I can't install home manager. Anytime I try to install a package with nix-env it gives this error too: error: this derivation has bad 'meta.outputsToInstall'

Linux Questions retiolus 6 months ago 66%
Would someone #help me configure my #WireGuard server to access my home local network?

Would someone [#help]( me configure my [#WireGuard]( server to access my home local network? I've literally been stuck for 6 hours. []( [@linuxquestions](

Linux Questions hellfire103 6 months ago 100%
How do I change the font in FVWM-Crystal?

I have just set up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspbian "Bookworm", and I have decided that the classic desktop environment, FVWM-Crystal, is the one that feels right. However, I don't seem to be able to change the font. Ordinarily, you would use the font selector dialog, but for some unknown reason it refuses to launch and I am unable to find it under `/usr/bin`, so I can't find out what's wrong. Does anyone know either how to fix the dialog, how to find the binary, or how to change the font without using the dialog? I understand that this is a very old DE, so if you can tell me about a newer alternative that looks the same and is equally lightweight, I'm all ears. Otherwise, please leave me to my madness.

Linux Questions Murdoc 6 months ago 100%
[Solved] Should new distro for dual boot be changing my ssd id numbers?

Ok, so I had 1 ssd with Kubuntu and windows on it. I got a second ssd and I want to put opensuse on it, dual booting (well, triple). The problem is, when I went to install it, it showed the id of my two ssds as opposite of what the partition manager in Kubuntu says. I.e., Kubuntu calls the first one nvme0n1 and my new ssd nvme1n1, while the opensuse installer is calling the old ssd nvme1n1 and the new one nvme0n1. I know because it shows the existing partition sizes on them that way, and recognizes that windows and kubuntu are on the old ssd. So is this normal? Is this ok? Is it ok to just install it with the ssd names this way? Would that confuse kubuntu at all, or are the two OSes ok with calling them different things? I just don't want the installer to overwrite anything on my existing partitions.

Linux Questions BackOnMyBS 6 months ago 100%
Using 3 monitors, one goes completely blank on certain pages in Lemmy. How do I fix this?

If I have my browser maximized in my center monitor, whenever I go to search on Lemmy or go to my inbox and it is empty, the screen goes completely blank/black. It looks as if it lost power. If the browser is not maximized, it wont happen. This happens whether I use Chrome or Firefox. Any ideas on how to start troubleshooting? * OS: KDE Neon 6.0 * KDE PLasma: 6.0.2 (happened with KDE 5.x too) * GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB * Monitor messing up in connnected to the HDMI port. * Other two monitors are connected (a) to the DisplayPort and (b) DVI-D

Linux Questions waspentalive 6 months ago 80%
Opinion Request - "Best" cli linux

This will be for a physically small i5 laptop for various programming fun. The candidate linux should be **easy to install**, and provide a large selection of CLI programs.

Linux Questions GrappleHat 6 months ago 100%
[Solved] Why does rsync change behavior in bash script?

I want to sync retroarch save files across devices on my local network using a bash script. Plan is to run the script as a cronjob to keep all machines synced. This does the trick as a one-off in the terminal: `rsync -a /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@` - Copies new save files to remote location - Updates any save files which were modified But when I put the same line in a bash script rsync's behavior changes. My bash script looks like this: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash rsync -a /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@ ``` I call it with `bash` - Copies new save files to remote location - ~~Updates any save files which were modified~~ Strangely, rsync doesn't update modified files when run as a script. But it's not failing altogether, because it transfers new files OK. What am I missing? > **Update**: if I do the rsync in the reverse order (remote machine -> local machine) then the bash script works as expected. So my issue exists only when rsync goes local machine -> remote machine. Why would this matter? * * * **Update 2 (Solution)**: I changed the command to `rsync -razu /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@`, but I'm not sure that made any impact. The issue was how I was doing my testing. I was doing `touch testfile.txt` to change the modification date on a file & then I'd try to transfer it with the bash script & watch the modification date on the downstream machine as confirmation that it moved correctly. Problem is that rsync must be smart & doesn't transfer a file if only the modification date changes. It requires the contents to also change. Whenever I tested this way I would never see the file transfer, but when I changed my testing method to change the contents of the file instead (not just the modification timestamp) then all worked fine! I feel like a dummy for initially mixing testing methods & coming to the wrong conclusion about what was happening, but happy it's working now & maybe I learned a lesson!

Linux Questions Murdoc 6 months ago 100%
[Solved] Can dual distros share /home?

Briefly: I'm running Kubuntu right now, just installed a second ssd. If I install another distro (say opensuse) on it, can I tell it to use the same /home that kubuntu is using (which is on a separate partition and drive)? Actually looking to switch distros, but I want to keep all my data where it is on the bigger hdd, while moving games to the ssd. If you want/need more details: - ssd1: windows, kubuntu / - hdd1: kubuntu (opensuse) /home - ssd2: (goal) opensuse /, second partition for games

Linux Questions VinesNFluff 7 months ago 100%
[SOLVED - See comments] Is there a way to turn on/off a kwin effect via terminal?

Title. Plasma 6 just dropped on my arch-based distro, and it came with an option for a colorblindness correction filter: ![]( Neat little tool that my Protanope ass was very excited about, and it works. The thing is. Some time ago Windows also introduced one of those, and in Windows, you can turn it on and off with a key-combination shortcut. I use *that* a lot on Windows, to keep the filter off and turn it on just when it is necessary (look, every person experiences colorblindness differently, and on my end, these filters while useful for certain kinds of work, are very ugly most other times) Now, I already know I can set a key-combination shortcut to a terminal command on plasma. Easy peasy. But for me to do that on plasma I'd need to have a way to switch the effect on and off from the terminal. I know that I can do `systemsettings kcm_kwin_effects` to launch the configs app straight into the relevant tab. But now I'm wondering if I could make that even more automatic, maybe using the `--args` thing, which apparently is literally meant for sending commands directly to the configuration module. But then I wouldn't know what the command is.

Linux Questions wolf 7 months ago 100%
Turnkey ready immutable distribution to server podman containers for headless raspberry pi 4?

I want to configure a Raspberry Pi 4 as a web (application) server. Although I could of course simply do it via Raspbian, I would love to use an Immutable/auto updating OS like Fedora Core OS/Fedora IoT/OpenSUSE MicroOS. To my surprise, every solution does not look very turnkey ready for Raspberry Pi 4. Please correct me, if I am wrong but it seems: - For Fedora Core OS/OpenSUSE MicroOS it seems like I have to download the firmware for the Raspberry Pi, partition the sd card by hand and afterwards login to configure WiFi and/or use an ignition file on a separate USB stick on boot - For Fedora IoT it seems I need a running Fedora system first (yes, I know about LiveCDs) and I still need to edit by hand the Wifi configuration [How to install Fedora IoT on Raspberry Pi 4]( Further, it seems Fedora IoT has 'fixed' version numbers and no automatic updates. So, my questions: - It seems Fedora IoT is the nearest fit for my use case and comparatively the easiest version to setup? - Am I missing out on Fedora Core OS or OpenSUSE MicroOS? - Are there other viable immutable options from reputable sources? - Does anyone know about an immutable distribution, where the initial setup is basically like Raspbians 'dd image to sdcard and copy user credentials and wifi config to the /boot partition.'? - How does Fedora IoT handle updates between versions (like Fedora 38 to Fedora 39) - Is it a regular update or do I have to tell the OS to update explicitly - Most important question: Anyone here has experience with running Rasbian and one of my options in practice and can give some advice/recommendations if immutable is worth it?